Tuesday, 11 January 2011


When creating our two minute beginning of our made up video we decided to have a mystery, horror. Which would consist of having empty shots of a range of places. Which would mean that there couldnt be any people of moving cars included in these shots.

The idea of our film is for our main character Nancy to be alone in an abandan world. We wanted to have the beginning as a  dream this would tell the audience wat the film is about. Aswell as not giving the story line away.

Our Film is called Extiction, we agreed as group to have this title as it fits into our film, also a simple title with a big meaning will attrack our audiance.

In our Movie our scenes are mostly deserted by humans, so we had empty shots. By having empty shots we tell our target market that the world is empty. We found it difficult when trying to film the empty shots as people and cars kept getting in the way this delayed our time on the film. However saying that some of your shots had our main character Nancy in them who was played by Nancy. Nancy is  young teenage girl who is in the working class. To show to the audience that she is in the working class she wore a highstreet fasion clothes. We introduced our character by having her waking up in the middle the road. We felt this was a good idea as it gets our target market thinking why is waking up in the middle of a road, in which keeps them watching the film.

The filming skills we used in our film were, match on action we used this at the beginning of our film when Nancy wakes and stands up. We have also used alot of wide and close shots. We done this to show the audience the scenery and the facial expressions of Nancy.
As well as that we used a low shot when filming Nancy's feet we done this to give a closer shot of what she was wearing, this shot also showed that her feet were the only feet in the shot showing the audience that she was alone.

On the other hand When editing our shots we used a program called pinical. My group and I at first found it difficult to use this program but after time we found it quite easy. However we had some diificulties using the laptop as it kept shutting down due the memory being to full. Also because of that our film and clips got deleted, this wasted loads of our time. In result we then had to refilm and edit.

Our Character represets teenagers, Her clothes and her body language tell our target market that she is an average working class citezen. The social group that Nancy is in helps us to attract our target market. Our target market is from years 14 - 60 who like mysteries or horrors. We decided that this film would be to scary for children under 13.

What I have learnt from this prodject is how to edit a film, also I have learnt different camara shots, in which some I havent even heard of. I have also found different levels and what they mean, such as a worms I view which gives a character power.